- Category: Game
- Made with JavaFX
- Page:
Not Malware is a dungeon crawler where the player plays as a virus attempting to infect an unsuspecting computer.
This game was a project done for one of my classes at Georgia Tech. I worked with 4 other students. As a team, we used JavaFX to create this game. Throughout the entire process, we created diagrams to plan out the project and worked on the parts of the projects within our group. I did not particularly focus on a specific part of the project, but I worked more with the different playable characters, enemies, and power-ups. Throughout this project, I learned a lot about planning and working with and as a team. I am really proud of the project we finished with. Overall, we ranked 3rd in a class contest!
I also created assests for this game!
Go forth and infect??!
Art Done for the game