Paper Planes
- Category: Game
- Made with C# and Unity
- Page:
Paper Planes is a 2d side scroller, where the player uses lines of wind to help a little paper plane navigate through the levels.
I led this game with two of my friends during my Spring 2022 semester. It was my first time leading a game, and it was a good experience. Our team of about 40 created a game that I find visually appealing and fun to play. I am happy to have been able to lead such a great team! My role within the game was mainly leading the 20 programmers. I used click up to create and give tasks. I also reviewed code in PRs and merged everything. I also cleaned up the code and kept the code documented to make it easier for the team to understand each other's code. Beyond just leading the team, I also had to make sure all tasks were filled and that all parts of the game would be completed as expected for the milestones, which meant that I filled in any unfinished tasks.
I did also help fill in some art pieces when the art team needed help. I think during this game, I created a pixel wave that I would say is my best pixel art to date.
Art Done for the game